Smart applications for governments
There is more to the world than meets the eye. We are figuring out new ways for computers to see. Deep learning helps us to unlock the huge potential in thermal and hyperspectral imagery.
150+ governments supported
Together we work on making public space more sustainable. Companies and citizens are encouraged to work on solar energy generation and insulation of buildings. We provide effective monitoring, spot opportunities and alerts in case of pollution or disturbing change. Let’s start with energy savings?
Co-create green cities
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Results for municipalities & residents
Energy-saving building blocks
Fine format
Partially automatic inspection saves time. This gives more space for attention, behaviour & advice.
Software & algorithms are more consistent than experts. Calculation values + knowledge of MilieuCentraal is applied.
Rising energy bills
Energy prices are skyrocketing. Insulation is dire necessity and pays for itself in no time.
Direct reporting
5x more follow-up actions for better insulation and energy savings. The direct approach with reporting works.
Fix installation
Besides advice, we install many meters of radiator foil, weather strips & central heating savings every day.
Holland's sustainable transformation demands action. Tackling energy poverty & getting 1,000+ residents on board!
An image says more than 1.000 words
There is more to the world than we humans can see. We are developing new ways to smarten & accelerate sustainability in the built environment. Deep learning is helping to unlock the enormous potential of thermal and hyperspectral data. With specially developed housing analysis software, we are happy to tackle any challenge together. Too many buildings & homes are still leaking energy. Coffee with Wouter?