Hightech Digitwin

The last few months we have unofficially been running the grand innovation project Digital Twin. Just before the summer recess, this was further enhanced during a small party with the entire NXTGEN HIGHTECH board at the Farm of the Future in Lelystad. The Digital Twin project of which Sobolt is the proud lead party, works with a budget of over €22 million with support from the Nationaal Groeifonds(EN: National Growth Fund).

Project consortium & ecosystem
It is great to be involved as Sobolt in this unique Digital Twin project together with LetsGrow, TU Delft, Plantfellow, Gearbox Innovations, WUR and Hoogendoorn. Together we want to take giant steps forward. We will invest heavily in the coming years within the open ecosystem of more than 40 projects. What will digital twins mean for (green) education, a labor market full of bots and a world full of remote control?

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