IPCC report: alarm again

The latest IPCC report doesn't say anything remarkably new since its first edition in 1990. Or does it? The alarm bells are ringing, because the report is sharper than ever. Nature can no longer keep up with climate change. This has major consequences for the earth and the lives of billions of people.

For the first time the work of the panel zooms in with remarkable granularity on regions and areas around the world. What is the impact of climate change in Europe, North and South America, small islands, Australasia and so on? With India being the hotspot of vulnerabilities.

In Europe, the mediterranean area will be even more affected by water scarcity, heat stress and increased morbidity. The people & infrastructure in Dutch cities are particularly threatened by coastal flooding. Hence, a trend can be observed from all the subsequent editions (1995, 2001, 2007, 2015, 2021): the scenarios are worsening. Floods, fires, diseases, heat waves and storms are now occurring with more severity and intensity than what the initial editions predicted. Because the effects are positively enhancing each other in a way that we didn't dare to see before.

Seeing how united the Western World and in particular Europe have become in the face of the Ukrainian conflict, there is hope that we can unite on climate change adaptation. Together we have to be ready to give away some of our comfort to prevent the climate crisis from escalating even more.

At Sobolt we provide smart, technical solutions to contribute our part to the energy transition. This needs to happen even more urgently than ever before. The world needs to stay below a 1.5 degree increase scenario. Otherwise all bets are off. Guterres (head of UNO) says there is an almost criminal lack of leadership in the space of sustainability and it is hard to disagree with that.

Hence, our shout-out to you: we love the work you do in sustainability and let's work together to accelerate the sustainability journey. Interested? Contact Nadja via n.muller@sobolt.com

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