More or less energy poverty?

Several studies in the EU reveal the problems of energy poverty. Most public resources end up with relatively wealthy residents and companies. TNO recently did research on the extent & regional distribution of energy poverty in the Netherlands. They examined the affordability of the energy bills, the quality of the house and the extent to which residents are financially able to make their homes more sustainable.

Approximately 550,000 households, about 7% of the total, live in energy poverty. Severe energy poverty is spatially much more concentrated than income poverty: in only 5 municipalities and 7% of the neighbourhoods, more than 10% of households are energy poor. This makes targeted policy for each municipality or region relatively simpler.

“The European housing stock is in a poor thermal condition. Half of the EU building stock was built before 1970 and has a low energy performance.”
Source: Energy Performance of the Housing Stock

In the Netherlands as well? Yes, half of all households in the Netherlands (48%) live in a poorly or moderately insulated house, but they can’t do anything about it themselves. Tenants who depend on a landlord to make their home more sustainable and owners with insufficient financial resources. These people often have to deal with a lack of comfort and sometimes health problems. Despite the fact that they are not poor and are now more than able to pay the energy bill. An increase in the gas price can have consequences..

In the coming years, resources will become available to actively tackle energy poverty. Collaborate to make this approach successful? Check the report of TNO or JDEC.

Source: De feiten over Energiearmoede in Nederland - TNO

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