Solar carport software 2.0 in sunny region Zeeland

From the end of October 2021, the free online tool Park the Sun will be available in the most sunny province of the Netherlands: Zeeland! Government organizations, companies & private individuals who own a parking lot can immediately see whether their site is suitable for generating energy with a solar carport.

The province of Zeeland wants to make smart use of the space available in parking lots. A top combination is created by combining covered parking with the generation of energy with solar panels. Park the Sun Zeeland shows which areas are suitable from an energy perspective. The business case will be immediately shown on your screen.

In Zeeland, the possible battery systems have been specifically included in the business case of Park the Sun. This is very important within the province of Zeeland, as grid congestion plays a major role.

Solar carports in the Netherlands

There have been 25 projects completed throughout the Netherlands so far. Interesting locations are mainly transfer locations (P+R sites, hubs), recreation and event sites, offices and business parks. More information about solar carports and their potential can be found in the report 'The sunny side of parking' (in Dutch) by CE Delft and Merosch, carried out on behalf of the RVO.

Climate strategy Zeeland

Park the sun is part of the Zeeland climate strategy (Zeeuwse klimaatstrategie). This contains agreements on halving CO2 emissions in the next 10 years. The collaboration platform ‘Zeeuws Energieakkoord’ & the ‘Stichting Zeeuwse Publieke Belangen’ have made Park the Sun possible. Solar carports can already be seen at the Fastned locations in Zeeland, for example the solar carport 'Fastned Selnisse' in 's Heer Arendskerke.

Source: Google

Deputy Harry van der Maas: “We are moving towards an era where electric vehicles are becoming more and more normal. With this online tool we want to stimulate the development of more sustainable charging stations. With a solar carport you can generate and charge energy at the same time. I would therefore definitely recommend that all parties with a parking lot do a quick scan!” More info about 'Zeeuws Energieakkoord'.

Solar Carport App

The rollout of the application Park the Sun in the Dutch region Zeeland is a great example in the Netherlands. Besides getting insight into the potential of solar carports, it’s also possible to find out if rooftops have solar potential. Curious how Sobolt solar software works in other countries? Check the available apps.

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