The sunny side of parking RVO webinar 6th of September #parkthesun

Park & at the same time contribute to the energy transition. This is possible with solar carports. But which parking places are suitable for solar carports? What are the investments & profitability? The smart tool 'Park the Sun' gives the answer.

On behalf of RVO, Merosch & CE Delft did research about the potential of solar carports in the Netherlands. After reading the report “De zonnige kant van parkeren” you’ll be familiar with practical examples, developments in the market & insights into the potential of solar carports. Want to know more?

Webinar ‘The sunny side of parking’ (in Dutch)

Curious? Register here for the free webinar organized Merosch, CE Delft & RVO.
6th of September 14.00 - 15.00 uur
For who?
Everyone, but particularly interesting for owners of parking lots, initiators of solar energy projects & local authorities.

Park the Sun abroad or are you interested in other solar solar solutions? Check it out!

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