in1? ESA? Free trials?

Remember our special project with ESA, called in1? Well, the development of in1 is currently well underway, and the results so far are… exciting! 

We know we haven’t even shared much about what we’re actually doing here. Still, this didn’t keep the earth observation community from becoming just as excited as us: the free trial giveaway basically just launched, and we’ve already given away more than half of the 100 available trials. (If you’re reading this and you’re an EO professional - there might still be a spot available…)

So, what exactly are we then doing with ESA and in1? Basically, we’re building an AI based platform that improves satellite data. First, users of in1 can magically turn their regular resolution data into ‘super-resolution’ data. Sounds cool, right? in1’s innovative image processing combined with the power of artificial intelligence offers high-resolution data at a highly accessible price, fast. This not only reduces the costs of attaining high-quality data, but time and accessibility barriers are overcome. And yes, there’s even more. Because secondly, in1 users will be able to remove haze from their satellite images with just the click of a button. 

Interested to learn more about how this works? Check out our upgraded website on

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