HeatPuls: the unique method to accelerate the energy transition together with homeowners

The energy transition is heavily dependent on the efficient use of renewable energy. If we look at the use of energy in buildings, there is one major problem: almost 75% of homes in the Netherlands are not sufficiently insulated. Moreover, many homeowners are not even aware of the insulation status of their homes. Because our passionate team is determined to help build a sustainable future, we have taken up this challenge: how can we improve the insulation of homes on a large scale, to really have a positive impact on the energy transition?

The result is HeatPuls: the innovative solution to avoid unnecessary energy loss. HeatPuls has been developed to create awareness among homeowners in a neighbourhood or even an entire city, by providing them with a top quality insulation report with personalized advice. Did you know that with tailor-made insulation advice, people even go up to twice as far to take insulation measures? In this way, large groups of homeowners really become involved in the energy transition.

An additional advantage is the large amount of data that is collected. We have developed in-house tooling with which we can locate and photograph 500+ homes in one evening. With a specially equipped car it is even possible to do it tenfold. In addition to distributing the individual insulation reports, this data can then be used to give policymakers a unique insight into the actual insulation status of that area. This data is more qualitative than an energy label, because it gives the actual measured status at that moment. This gives policymakers the opportunity to target residents in a very targeted way, and to choose the right neighbourhoods for the Transition Vision Heat. Periodic measurements can even be used to determine the extent to which the implemented policy has been effective.

Last winter we successfully completed the first projects with various enthusiastic municipalities such as Groningen, Apeldoorn and Krimpen aan den IJssel. Thousands of homeowners received a HeatPuls report, and the results exceeded our expectations. In this process, we have developed a lot of expertise that helps to relieve your municipality of all its worries. In addition to thousands of published insulation reports, we help with resident communication and host webinars. This enables us to offer each municipality a tailor-made approach.

Registrations for the winter of 2020 have already started, and there are still places available. Feel free to contact Jasmine (j.tusveld@sobolt.com) or Daan (d.kaptein@sobolt.com). We're looking forward to working with you to investigate how HeatPuls can take your municipality further towards climate neutrality. Don't forget to check out our new website (in Dutch): www.heatpuls.nl !



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