About Sobolt

Sobolt is on AI mission

We deliver world-class software solutions for sustainable cities. The focus is on smart climate adaptation, accelerating the energy transition and making infrastructure safer.

Dear co-innovator,

Thank you for your interest in Sobolt.

Since 2017, we have been developing smart software for governments with great energy. More than 150 government departments and companies now use Sobolt's insights, applications and data. Working together on more sustainable cities gives satisfaction every day.

However, there is still much to do. The energy transition belongs to everyone and is going slowly. Climate adaptation and mitigation are still in their infancy. We are determined to work with full dedication on accelerating & smartening sustainability.

With intense co-creation we move from AI technology to advice and actions. Let's invest smarter in quality of life. From nice-to-have projects to tangible impact services. We are driven, ambitious and open for feedback most days 😉

Will you join us?

Jeroen van Zwieten
Nadja Muller
Danny Hetharia

Harnessing the power of AI

City insights

By combining AI and remote sensing, we support sustainable cities.

Traveling unknown possibilities

The daily live of a Sobolteer...

Brands & applications

Sobolt powered brands support a more sustainable future. Delivering state of the art software is the common denominator.